Monday, September 21, 2009

Dowagiac Chamber closes the two days prior to last holiday.

According to a note left on the Dowagiac Chamber door Dowagiac Chamber director Vicki Phillipson took the two days prior to Labor Day off.

Visitors that were looking for information for the holiday were met with empty office.

Many visitors were lost and couldn't find local attractions.

Dowagiac City Council refuses to respond to local publication

I find it funny that the only response came from the only official that has someone running against him.
This clearly shows that some of our elected officials only take an interest in their constituents when it’s an election year.
Once again I want to thank Mayor Donald Lyons for retuning his answers, I felt that his answers were very informative and it allowed residents to see what the future holds if he is re-elected.
As far as the remaining council members that have not returned their answers, remember when this when the next Election cycle comes around.
As a registered voter, I think it is a shame that the only responses received was from the one person that has an opponent this Election.
Now it is up to residents to decide the reason that their elected officials have refused to share their thoughts and ideas for the future of Dowagiac.
Howard Hall Editor

Dowagiac Michigan Mayor attacks publication

Ref: Mayor Lyons answers
How childish does a Mayor have to be to cast an insult at a person or publication for asking honest questions? The answer is VERY childish. I wonder if Mayor Lyons has accused the Daily News of hiding behind something when they ask questions. Further, if it's his vision to encourage more upscale housing in Dowagiac and increase the retail space in the downtown, wouldn't it be wise to first encourage some industry development here first? The city has lost; Ameriwood, National Copper Products and ICG among others within the last 5 years. Who does Mayor Lyons think is going to live in this upscale housing? The downtown district is more "The Joke of Southwestern Michigan".
Shopping in downtown Dowagiac has become nothing but a perpetual yard sale of used clothing and figurines.
Nowhere in Dowagiac can a man buy a suit or a pair of quality trousers. Nowhere can a teenager buy quality school clothes. Underwood's Shoes appears to be the last holdout from the good days of Dowagiac. How long will it be before Mayor Lyons and his minions on the Council drive Underwood's out as well? Shall we start an office pool?

Dowagiac Michigan losing businesses faster than cheetahs can run

Wine store looks closed and now the Wren's Nest. When are people in this town going to wake up? This town is not dying it is DEAD!!! People are moving out of here faster than the cheetahs can run by the train tracks.

Dowagiac Informer Breaks Story on Pit Bull Attacks

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