Monday, December 28, 2009
Dowagiac Mayors Answers To Car Auction Lawsuit Just Adds More Questions
Mr. Lyons stated that he was to be able to purchase the auto at a fixed price of 1 million dollars. But they already made a commitment to the Duesenburg Museum. Why would a car be up for auction when the decision was already made to sell the car for 1 million dollars?
Mr. Lyons stated that Tim Durham would sell him the car for 1 million if he was the winning bidder. If this was the case why didn’t Mr. Lyons keep bidding as long as it took to win the auction if he knew that he would get the car for 1 million?
After bidding 2.8 million the Mayor stopped bidding. Why? He was promised the for 1 million if he was the winning bidder?
“ Lyons did pay Diamond Auto Sales the agreed-upon price. Why would Mr. Lyons pay the price he agreed to if he didn’t win the auction?
If Mr. Lyons didn’t win the auction why did he pay the agreed-upon price, where did the money come from that he received for the remaining proceeds? What is the remaining proceeds?
Mr. Lyons stated that a representative from the museum knew about the fixed price. The Dowagiac Informer spoke with Jeff Turner Chairman of the Duesenburg Museum and he told us that the museum didn’t have any knowledge of the fixed price prior to the auction.
We agree with Mayor Lyons, the story will be straightened out during the court process.
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Dowagiac Mayor Sued In Federal Court
Everyone needs to remember that anyone accused of a crime is innocent until they are proven guilty.
We are not going to pass any judgment on the auction issue until the case is heard by a jury. However we have some concerns of the company that the mayor keeps. When you decide to make friends and hang out with a person like Tim Durham you have to expect that trouble is not far behind.
From reading more about Mr. Durham he has had the FBI raid his property and he has been accused of running a ponzy scam and it appears that he has a reputation for leaving many people upset in his wake.
The court will decide if any laws were broken at the auction. The question that needs to be answered is, why would a well respected mayor have business dealings with someone with a reputation like Mr. Durham?
Friday, December 25, 2009
Dowagiac Michigan Mayor Dowagiac mayor targeted in federal lawsuit
Monday, December 21, 2009
Dowagiac City Managers Pay Extremely Higher Than Managers Of Towns 15 Times Its Size
Over the past month we have received dozens of e-mails with residents concerns over the pay rate of City of Dowagiac employees compared to other cities in Michigan.
Most of the e-mails were directed at Downtown Development Director Vicki Phillipson and Dowagiac City Manager Kevin Anderson.
We have spent most of the week calling city’s all across Michigan requesting the base pay for their City Managers.
Each city we contacted we asked the following questions:
· What is the base rate of pay for your city manager?
· What is the population of your city?
The answers we received we amazing and we want to share them with our readers.
Below is the name of the city, base pay for their city manager and the population of the town
City Name Base Pay Population
· South Haven $87,700 5032
· Lansing $101,650 115,000
· Troy $133,000 81,000
· Kalamazoo $138,717 77,145
· New Buffalo $85,000 2,200
· South Bend* $94,633 107789
· Niles $96,000 12,254
· Battle Creek $105,000 53,000
· Wyoming $88,000 74,000
· Dowagiac $125,000 6,000
*The salary from South Bend Indiana is for the position of Mayor not city manager.
The South Bend City Clerk explained to us that the job duties were the same as a city manager.
We want to thank everyone for their e mails with story ideas, keep them coming in.
Friday, December 18, 2009
Dowagiac Officials Break Promise To Residents On Electric Rates
Well that didn't work out to well and 7 months ago the City of Dowagiac paid over 3 MILLION dollars to buy out of that contract.
How many people could cause a 3 Million dollar loss for their employer and still have a job?
Click here to refresh your memory on this broken promise.
How many years will we have to pay a higher electric rate to pay down this mistake by our city officials?
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Cass County Elected Officials Dropping Like Flies
Within the last weeks two Dowagiac Councilman have resigned and now you can add Cass County Administrator Terry L. Proctor.
If this pattern continues, maybe Cass County residents will have a chance at open government that will listen to residents concerns.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Good News For Dowagiac Schools Funding
Governor Granholm rescinds $127 pro-rata per-pupil cut
The Governor rescinded her $127 per pupil pro-rata cut on Thursday, December 10, 2009 - the same day state officials begin the process of writing checks to the state's 580 plus school districts. Due to an unexpected $100 million-plus leftover from Fiscal Year 2009, the cut will not be made in the December monthly check sent to schools and may not be made at all.
For the December payment, which is scheduled to be made Dec. 21, all public schools will only see the $165-per-pupil cut. The $51.5 million cut to the state's 39 20j schools also will be made.
The governor has not ruled out reinstating the additional $127 cut if state revenues fall. That won't be determined until after the state's January revenue estimating conference when the Governor could restore the entire $127-per-pupil amount or reduce it by an unknown amount.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
City Of Dowagiac Appoints Full-Time City Employees To Hear Electric Complaints
The city of Dowagiac now has a committee that you can have your complaint heard. How fair is it to have the City Manager, City Clerk and DPS Manager to hear residents complaints about the City Ran Utility? Wouldn't it seem that the city would appoint non-employees to hear complaints?
To get in contact with the committee call 269-782-2195 and ask for the Dowagiac City Managers office.
New Dowagiac Councilman Unable to Answer Questions
James Dodd
Sunday, December 13, 2009
New Dowagiac Councilman To Offer Townhall Meetings
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Dowagiac Informer Editors Car Vandalized
Many people do not like it when people are informed, many like to keep people in the dark, it is easier to have things "their" own way.
When I started the informer it was so I could assist readers to be more informed of their surroundings. Any time people are more informed they can make better decisions on issues that effect them and their families.
Well it appears that some people do not like my opinions or me informing residents of issues both local, state and on national issues.
To the people responsible for breaking out the windows in my car Friday night, all I can say is, I hope it made you feel better.
My family and I don't have the money or the status in the community as many others do, however if it upsets you to the point of vandalizing my car, I hope this made you feel better.
I have no idea where the money will come from to repair the damage you did but I can promise you this, the Informer will continue informing residents and your actions will not stop us from printing the news.
I hope hope you fell better now.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
New Dowagiac Councilman Answers Questions From The Dowagiac Informer
1) What is one of your top priorities for your ward over the next two years?
Help to bring jobs to the city, make sure residents concerns are heard and acted upon, having a cleaner and safer ward to live in.
2) As the new councilman for your ward what will you do to get input from residents?
I intend to set up meeting to find out the concerns, meet and talk on the streets or if invited talk in their homes.
3) What do you feel is your number one accomplishment is in life?
Do good to my fellow man, so that I may be remembered as to have accomplished good for my friends and neighbors.
4) Do you have any ideas that you are going to bring before council to help bring jobs back to Dowagiac?
I intend to keep doing research on companies to come here. I am asking the council's support in bringing green jobs to our community, these are the jobs of today and for the near future.
5) What can you do to get residents more involved in council meetings?
I think keeping them truly informed is the key to more involvement. If they don't know till after the fact how can they be involved?
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Michigan House Votes To Ban Text Messaging While Driving
"Distracted driving is a hazard on our roads," said Proos, R-St. Joseph. "We are a society on the go - always cramming in as much activity as possible. Unfortunately, this mentality has put us in great danger on the road, where our sole focus must be our personal safety and the safety of others."
The legislation makes text messaging while driving a secondary offense, meaning that a driver could only be ticketed if he or she had already been pulled over for another infraction, such as speeding or failing to wear a seatbelt. The ban allows exemptions for drivers reporting traffic accidents, medical emergencies and criminal activity.
"Texting while driving is extremely dangerous and should be illegal," said state Rep. Matt Lori, of Constantine. "Frankly, I don't think the bill we passed goes far enough - lawmakers should have made it a primary offense, but I'll take what I can get."
Lori served as sheriff for 20 years before being elected state representative.
Twenty-nine states have passed laws to regulate cell phone use while driving, while six states, the District of Columbia, and some local governments have enacted outright bans of cell phone use while driving. Legislation has been introduced in both the U.S. House of Representatives (HR 3535) and the U.S. Senate (S. 1536) that would reduce by 25 percent the federal transportation funds distributed to states that do not pass a state text messaging ban.
91 percent of Americans think that driving while texting is as dangerous as drunk driving, according to a 2007 Harris Interactive poll. Young people in particular are at danger, as 66 percent of drivers age 18 to 24 admit to sending text messages while driving.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Dowagiac's Annual Council Strategic Planning Session
The Billieville Conference Center at the Ed Lowe Foundation has been reserved for the day so that Council can focus on upcoming issues and approaches as to how we may be able to address the long-term needs for the City of Dowagiac.
In the past this meeting has been open to the public. Any residents interested in seeing what council is working on for the future of Dowagiac should attend.
Dowagiac and Silver Creek Russom Field Board
We have been told that Silver Creek Township has already been meeting to discuss projects and Dowagiac has yet to appoint anyone to the board.
Dowagiac City Manager Kevin Anderson told us that the City of Dowagiac will “start working hot and heavy after the first of the year to appoint their members to the board“
This will be an exciting opportunity for board members to make a positive change for Silver Creek and Dowagiac residents.
One of the projects already being talked about is a bike trail from Silver Creek to Dowagiac. This would be a project that would not only be a safe place for families to take a long ride but would also bring in Chicago visitors from Sister Lakes.
Dowagiac New Councilman Junior Oliver has Global Trading and Consultating Business
Clicks on the link below to find out more.
Entire State of Michigan going smoke free?
House bill 4377 prohibits smoking in most public indoor places and places of employment. Violators of the smoking ban face a $100 fine for the first violation and a $500 fine for subsequent violations.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Dowagiac Couple Hit By Car In Benton Harbor
The driver was traveling 25 MPH over the speed limit.
The driver was arrested and the Krause's are in serious condition.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Dowagiac City Council To Appoint New Councilman
If approved by the Dowagiac City Council on December 7th the new councilman will take their seats immediately.
For more information go to
Monday, November 30, 2009
Review Team to Examine Benton Harbor Finances
Under PA 72, a financial review team must reach one of three potential findings: a serious financial problem does not exist; a serious financial problem exists, but a consent agreement containing a plan to resolve the problem has been adopted; or, a local government financial emergency exists, because no satisfactory plan exists to resolve the serious financial problem.
Review team members are:
• Robert J. Kleine, state treasurer;
• Thomas McTavish, Michigan auditor general;
• Frederick Headen, director, Local Government Services Bureau, Michigan Department of Treasury (representing state officials with relevant professional experience);
• Marcia Jones, assistant city attorney, city of Kalamazoo (nominee of Speaker of the House of Representatives);
• Bret Witkowski, Berrien County treasurer (nominee of Senate Majority Leader);
• Darnell Early, city manager, city of Saginaw (representing persons with relevant professional experience);
• Linnie Taylor, councilwoman, city of Southfield (representing persons with relevant professional experience).
The Department of Treasury conducted a preliminary review of the city’s finances in August 2009, pursuant to a request by the Benton Harbor city manager. The preliminary review found that a serious financial problem currently exists in Benton Harbor as a result of several issues, including fund deficits, accumulated deficit spending, improper reliance on inter-fund borrowing, unresolved material internal control deficiencies, failure to distribute property taxes timely, and failure to submit payroll taxes timely.
For more information about the PA 72 process, visit the local government fiscal health page on the Department of Treasury’s Web site at
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Dowagiac Boys Varsity Basketball Games
12/11 Allegan Home 7:15
Dowagiac Wrestling Dates
Dowagiac Fine Arts Boosters Help a Family In Need

Dowagiac City Council Post
Residents are really watching the selection process.
You can view all of the information on the residents that have applied at:
Computer Store to open in Dowagiac
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Nine Dowagiac residents apply for council seats
Spruce Street
Dowagiac, Michigan
Mr. Dodd has been a resident of Dowagiac for 69 years.
Mr. Dodd listed his community activities as:
Firefighter for 37 years.
Dowagiac Board of Review member.
Dowagiac Planning Commission member.
EMT and ambulance member.
Mr. Dodd listed his professional qualifications and work experience as:
38 years at Jessup Door Company
12 years working in Elkhart Indiana
He has been an hourly employee to plant manager at Jessup Door and Elkhart Indiana.
The reason Mr. Dodd wants to be appointed as Dowagiac's 2nd Ward Councilman:
"Always wanted to run for council but not until Wayne Comstock retired".
"I have some ideas where maybe the city can save some money.
Mr. Dodd also stated that he would be willing to run for this office in 2011.
James F Benedix
Orchard Street
Dowagiac, Michigan
Mr. Benedix has been a resident of Dowagiac for 48 years.
Mr. Benedix listed his community activities as:
Worshipful Master of the Peninsular Lodge #10, Free and Accepted Masons of Dowagiac
Assisted in organizing the annual Dowagiac Memorial Day Parade
Maintained the nature trails at Kincheloe School
Presented the Child ID program and the Masonic Model Student Assistance Program. (A workshop to train educators to assist students at risk)
Served as an advisor for the Order of DeMolay, a teen fraternity, on both local and state levels
Vice President of the Dogwood Fine Arts Festival
Serve as director of acolytes (youth from ages 10 through 18) of the First United Methodist Church of Dowagiac, 1992-present
Mr. Benedix has a BA Degree from Lake Superior State University
Mr.Benedix stated his reason he wants to serve as Dowagiac's 2nd Ward Councilman is:
"This is an opportunity to become more fully involved in the life of Dowagiac".
David Doak Daniels
Hamilton Street
Dowagiac, Michigan
Mr. Daniels stated the reason he wants to serve as Councilman of the 2nd Ward is:
To continue to provide balanced long-range movement towards the city's goals
Mr. Daniels listed his work experience as:
Maintenance Supervisor for Dowagiac Area Schools from 1995-Present
Director of Transportation for Buchanan Community Schools
Huggett-Betten corporation
B.S. Degree from Western Michigan University
A.S. Degree from Southwestern Michigan College
Beginning his Masters in Business Administration
Mr. Daniels listed his Organizational Affiliations, Past and Present as:
Michigan Association of Pupil Transportation
Tri-County Transportation Supervisors Association
Chairman of the Construction Board of Appeals for the City of Dowagiac,
3 terms
Treasure of the Loon Lake Property Owners Association
Board member, Treasure, Vice President and President of the Dowagiac Girls Softball Association
Board Member of the Dowagiac Little League
Member of the United Brotherhood of Carpenters since 1978
Member of the Michigan Schools Business Officials
Southwest Michigan Facility Managers Association
Free and Accepted Masons, Peninsular Lodge #10
Dowagiac City Planning Commission
Member of the Dowagiac Lions Club
Other Interests:
Deer Hunting
Mushroom Hunting
Junior Wayne Oliver
Chestnut Street
Dowagiac, Michigan
Junior has been a resident of Dowagiac for 49 years and a resident of Michigan for 51 years.
Mr. Oliver has listed his community activities as:
Boy Scout Leader
Citizen Band Sky Watcher
Fire Fighter
Volunteer COA
Professional Qualifications/Work Experience
Have Been A Trained Boy Scout Leader In Dowagiac For Several Years
Vice President Of The Volunteer Fire Department,
Ambulance Attendant
Civil Defense Storm Watcher
COA Volunteer
Volunteer Economic Development Researcher.
Industrial problem solving team leader,
Ergonomic Consultant
Service Station Manager.
Has Had All Of The 60 Hour Training Courses, 240 hour classes, Fire Ground Commander Classes And Air Pack Field Maintenance Courses, Farm Rescue Training And Hazardous Material Handling Training.
Certificate In Agriculture From A Tech School In Missouri.
Operated The HI-WAY 40 Gas Station And The Checker Station When It First Came To Dowagiac.
Worked For Sealed Power For 39 Years And I C G 9 Years
Certified Die Cast Technician And Member Of North American Die Casters Assc.
Desire To Serve On This Board
"I have a genuine interest on continuing prosperity of this city.
Is Interested In Doing My Part To Help Our Community Keep Growing.
I Think That I Can Contribute In A Positive Way To Assure t\That All Residents Have A Voice Thru Me To Get The Logical Things They Ask For Heard By The Proper Officials.
I Have The Time To Check Out The Requests Or Complaints The People Of My Ward Present To Me.
I Have Lived In My Ward About 40 Years And Know Many Of The Residents Living There.
I Am A Very Good Listener And A Very Aggressive Worker To Get A Goal Accomplished In A Timely Manner.
Robert L Mortimore
Jefferson Street
Dowagiac, MI
Community Activities
President Of Dowagiac Rocket Football
Former Candidate for 2nd Ward Council
Professional Qualifications
President Of UAW Local 90 South Haven Michigan (17 Years)
Vice President of UAW Local 90 South Haven Michigan
Resident Of Dowagiac 54 Years
Resident Of Michigan 65 Years
Howard Hall
S Front Street
Dowagiac, MIchigan
I want to be appointed to council because that is one more way I can serve Dowagiac. My experience in community activities is extensive:
Free Computer Classes for Dowagiac Seniors (7Years)
Free Computer Repair for Dowagiac Seniors (7Years)
Volunteer Sister Lakes School (3Years)
Volunteer Patrick Hamilton School (4Years)
Volunteer Dowagiac American Legion
Volunteer Beckwith Theatre Company (2Years)
Volunteer Dowagiac High School (4Years)
Volunteer Dowagiac Choir (2years)
Worked With Local Businesses To Provide Bike Locks For Children At The
Dowagiac Public Library
Past Vice Chair Berrien County Democratic Party
Vice President Of The Dowagiac Fine Arts Booster Club
Nominated For Volunteer Of The Year Chicago Youth Centers
Sponsored Annual “Turkey Bowling” Tournament For Dowagiac Youth (4Years)
Leadership Training for Young Adults Prior To Them Leaving U.S.A. For Mission Work Overseas
Volunteer Registering Voters (16 Years)
Volunteer Filing Income Tax For Local Seniors (5Years)
Volunteer Trunk Or Treat
Member Of CERT (Citizen Emergency Response Team)
Volunteer For “Kids Night Out” (Sister Lakes Elementary School) (5Years)
Delivered Food For Home-Bound Seniors In Berrien County (3 Years)
Volunteer For The Cass County Youth Club
Former Big Brother To A Child In The Big Brother Big Sister Program (12Years)
Volunteer The Benton Harbor Soup Kitchen (4 Years)
Volunteer Pokagon Pow Wow Dowagiac, Michigan (3 Years)
Volunteer Pokagon Pow Wow Holland, Michigan (2 Years)
Volunteer Pow Wow Grand Rapids, Michigan (2 Years)
Professional Qualifications:
Owner Adventure Education (Leadership and Teambuilding Facilitator) 12 Years
Political Process Expert
28 Years Experience Bringing Groups Together Working Toward Common Goals
Prior Candidate For Council
Very Knowledgeable Of The Concerns Of Residents
Extensive Experience Working With Low Income Population
Extensive Experience Working With Low Income And At Risk Youth
Strong Understanding of Roberts Rules of Order
Strong Understanding Of How Important It Is To Have Open Communication
Between Residents And Their Councilmen
Field Organizer Barack Obama Campaign For Berrien County Michigan
(Supervised three satellite offices and a volunteer staff of over 250)
Field Organizer Gore Campaign
Paid Staff Member for the Clinton-Gore Campaign
Field Organizer Volunteer Coordinator Clinton Campaign
Coordinator of Cass Co. Campaign for Judy Truesdell
Member And Former Site Inspector For The ACA (American Camping
Summer Camp Director For At-Risk Youth (20 years experience)
Campaign Manager For Former Van Buren County Sheriff’s Race
Classic Stone Creation (made and installed hand designed granite and marble counter tops
Assistant Park Manager For Covert Township Park Campground
Reasons To Serve On This Board:
To continue to serve the residents of Dowagiac.
I want to give 1st ward residents a councilman who will listen to their concerns and pass them on to the council.
My extensive experience researching grants will enable me to provide Dowagiac Youth with after-school activities.
I understand how important it is to put personal feelings aside and make decisions on what is best for the residents of Dowagiac
Resident of Dowagiac School District 11 Years
Resident Of The City Of Dowagiac 7 Years
Resident Of The State Of Michigan 45 Years
Nancy L Leonard
Green Street
Dowagiac, MI
Nancy has been a resident of Dowagiac for 6 years and a resident of the state for 6 years.
Community Activities
Nancy was involved in the Dowagiac Little League for approx 4 years
Professional Qualifications
BS Degree from Purdue University Organizational Leadership and Supervision.
Has worked at Bosch LLC for 11 years 10 months
Nancy's reasons to serve on this board:
"Serving the community is not an act to be taken lightly". "I believe I can make a positive contribution to council and hopefully inspire more participation".
If appointed are you willing to run for this seat at the expiration of the appointed term?
"Yes, I feel have contributed in a positive manner and feel I have had some success in serving".
Tonnie M Blackamore
Pokagon Street
Dowagiac, MI
Community Activities
Feeding the seniors at Chestnut Towers
Jail Ministry at the Cass County Jail
Tutoring youth
Professional Qualifications
Pastor of New Harvest Church for 12 years
Desire To Serve On This Board
I want to serve the city and my ward to the best of my ability
Mr. Blackamore just sent us some additional information to post.
Thank you Mr. Blackamore
I did all of my schooling in Dowagiac. I Graduated May 31, 1986 on my 18th Birthday from Union High School . I attended 2 years out to S.M.C. I was married here, bought a home here,and have raised 4 children here. I now have 2 grandchildren here. I would be second generation councilman for our ward,
my Grandfather Sam H. Fowlkes II was councilman from April 12, 1965- Jan. 25, 1971, and then July 10, 1986 - Nov. 11, 1997 he was appointed.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Dowagiac Michigan City Council Canidates
Local News For Dowagiac MIchigan
Friday, November 20, 2009
Dowagiac Schools Hit Hard with Flu But Remain Open
- Bridgman Schools: Considers closing schools when 30-35% of students are home ill.
- Buchanan Schools: Considers closing when 25-30% of students are home ill.
- Grand Rapids Public Schools: Considers closing schools when 25% of students are home ill.
- Kent County Health Department: Recommends schools consider closing when 25% of a schools students are home sick.
Dowagiac Michigan Schools Funding Crisis
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Dowagiac Schools hit harder with the flu than most think.
- Bridgman Schools: Considers closing schools when 30-35% of students are home ill.
- Buchanan Schools: Considers closing when 25-30% of students are home ill.
- Grand Rapids Public Schools: Considers closing schools when 25% of students are home ill.
- Kent County Health Department: Recommends schools consider closing when 25% of a schools students are home sick.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Dowagiac Chamber closes the two days prior to last holiday.
Visitors that were looking for information for the holiday were met with empty office.
Many visitors were lost and couldn't find local attractions.
Dowagiac City Council refuses to respond to local publication
This clearly shows that some of our elected officials only take an interest in their constituents when it’s an election year.
Once again I want to thank Mayor Donald Lyons for retuning his answers, I felt that his answers were very informative and it allowed residents to see what the future holds if he is re-elected.
As far as the remaining council members that have not returned their answers, remember when this when the next Election cycle comes around.
As a registered voter, I think it is a shame that the only responses received was from the one person that has an opponent this Election.
Now it is up to residents to decide the reason that their elected officials have refused to share their thoughts and ideas for the future of Dowagiac.
Howard Hall Editor
Dowagiac Michigan Mayor attacks publication
How childish does a Mayor have to be to cast an insult at a person or publication for asking honest questions? The answer is VERY childish. I wonder if Mayor Lyons has accused the Daily News of hiding behind something when they ask questions. Further, if it's his vision to encourage more upscale housing in Dowagiac and increase the retail space in the downtown, wouldn't it be wise to first encourage some industry development here first? The city has lost; Ameriwood, National Copper Products and ICG among others within the last 5 years. Who does Mayor Lyons think is going to live in this upscale housing? The downtown district is more "The Joke of Southwestern Michigan".
Shopping in downtown Dowagiac has become nothing but a perpetual yard sale of used clothing and figurines.
Nowhere in Dowagiac can a man buy a suit or a pair of quality trousers. Nowhere can a teenager buy quality school clothes. Underwood's Shoes appears to be the last holdout from the good days of Dowagiac. How long will it be before Mayor Lyons and his minions on the Council drive Underwood's out as well? Shall we start an office pool?
Dowagiac Michigan losing businesses faster than cheetahs can run